
Blog Description & Requests

Who are we?

Lisa, Iona and Evie, and we are from England!

Blog Description

Here, at skinny designer, we review our favourite beauty products, and make series on how to style certain items. We're here to help, so if you want to make requests for future posts, feel free to comment your ideas!



  1. This isn't a request, I just want to say that your blog is really good! Thank you.

    1. Is it too much to ask for you to check my blog out, it isn't fashion/beauty but it would mean a lot. And your welcome.

    2. I had a look at your blog sweetie, it's lovely!

  2. Hi Iona, had a look through your blog and photos today, very impressive! As you know I am allergic to something called Rosin which is in many make ups and causes a bad reaction. A good task would be to find 2 Rosin free items which are good for allergy suffers and do a short right up. Be aware it's not easy as some make ups have little or no information about their contents ;-) Good Luck Nicki
